First of all, so very sorry for a long hiatus from this blog.
I have been extremely busy with my business and that left me very little time for blogging (and you know I have another blog, right?). The thing about business is, after sometime, you need to re-focus and re-strategize because we're no longer interested in what we were in interested in say 7 or 8 years ago. Our focus has changed. That's got a lot to do with experiencing everything that a business puts you through - both good and bad.
This blog will resume (I found out just this week that a blogger friend had closed her blog for good! Wow. That takes a lot of courage) and I will continue blogging.
I am never at loss for topics - usually it is a lack of time!
So let's see....remember my pomegranate tree? It's still fruiting with wild abandon. Its branches, puny as they look, are heavy with fruits and supporting the rosy orbs.
I was really eager to taste the fruit but this is my first time harvesting a fruit tree so I wasn't too sure when I should pick a pomegranate to try!
I decided to be brave and cut one off the stem.
I read online that a pomegranate can be harvested after 6 months or when the skin turns a rosy pink. The other way of gauging if it's ready is to hold it in your hand. If it feels heavy, it's ready.
There's a secret pleasure in cutting open a fruit that you planted. For me, nothing beat that intense pleasure when I sliced into the fruit which is the size of a lemon. Those ruby red arils were amazingly sweet and astringent at the same time.
Some people will chew the arils and spit the seeds but I ate everything.
This was truly my first time tasting my own homegrown fruit. Now I am itching to see what other fruit trees I can plant (papaya comes to mind because it is so easy!). Of course, I have eaten sweet basil which I've grown but I used it mainly in making pesto for my pasta. Yet nothing beats eating fruits from your own garden.
By the way, pomegranate is also used for Traditional Chinese Medicine as this blog post informs me.
The rind and seeds are useful for a host of ailments from dysentery to sore throat though you're cautioned NOT to overdose on pomegranates. Pomegranates target the Spleen and Stomach and is Warming. It nourishes blood and stops dysentery too.
What fruit trees have you planted? What do you suggest I plant next? ;-)
I have been extremely busy with my business and that left me very little time for blogging (and you know I have another blog, right?). The thing about business is, after sometime, you need to re-focus and re-strategize because we're no longer interested in what we were in interested in say 7 or 8 years ago. Our focus has changed. That's got a lot to do with experiencing everything that a business puts you through - both good and bad.
This blog will resume (I found out just this week that a blogger friend had closed her blog for good! Wow. That takes a lot of courage) and I will continue blogging.
I am never at loss for topics - usually it is a lack of time!
So let's see....remember my pomegranate tree? It's still fruiting with wild abandon. Its branches, puny as they look, are heavy with fruits and supporting the rosy orbs.
I was really eager to taste the fruit but this is my first time harvesting a fruit tree so I wasn't too sure when I should pick a pomegranate to try!
I decided to be brave and cut one off the stem.
I read online that a pomegranate can be harvested after 6 months or when the skin turns a rosy pink. The other way of gauging if it's ready is to hold it in your hand. If it feels heavy, it's ready.
There's a secret pleasure in cutting open a fruit that you planted. For me, nothing beat that intense pleasure when I sliced into the fruit which is the size of a lemon. Those ruby red arils were amazingly sweet and astringent at the same time.
Some people will chew the arils and spit the seeds but I ate everything.
This was truly my first time tasting my own homegrown fruit. Now I am itching to see what other fruit trees I can plant (papaya comes to mind because it is so easy!). Of course, I have eaten sweet basil which I've grown but I used it mainly in making pesto for my pasta. Yet nothing beats eating fruits from your own garden.
By the way, pomegranate is also used for Traditional Chinese Medicine as this blog post informs me.
The rind and seeds are useful for a host of ailments from dysentery to sore throat though you're cautioned NOT to overdose on pomegranates. Pomegranates target the Spleen and Stomach and is Warming. It nourishes blood and stops dysentery too.
What fruit trees have you planted? What do you suggest I plant next? ;-)