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Showing posts from September, 2016

Why I've Been Missing....

I've been missing for some time because my mum was hospitalised in July and I went home to be with her.  However her lung complication got the better of her and after exactly one month in the ICU ward, she passed away on 1 August.  Yes, you read right. My mum passed away.  You know how you often grow up always believing that your parents will be there like forever?  Death seemed so far away because my mum was only 67 years old . She wasn't really old.  I have friends whose mothers are like in their 90s and play games on the iPads.  I have friends whose 80 year old mums go to the beach in swimsuits and get a tan.  I have friends in their 70s who go scuba diving and scale mountains and do all sorts of exciting outdoor sports.  So you see, it was hard to accept that one day my mum was alive (albeit breathing with a ventilator) and 30 days later, she was dead. She lost consciousness 2 days before she died and neve...