UPDATE: Please see this post as we are no longer practising PVH. Before your eyes grow wide with surprise, no it's not me. I'm far from it. I couldn't be one because I may not have the patience to deal with people's problems. It's my husband, Nic. In the past 3 years, his ability to help people spiritually has improved so much from the time he learnt PVH in 2016. In fact, he has learnt much on his own with his own research and reflection and solving health and metaphysical problems. This has brought me to believe that in his past life, he was a healer or herbalist or doctor. This is just a continuation of his past self. When I say spiritual healer, what comes to your mind? I've tested this question with many people; some are strangers, others are friends and some are family members. Once I brought it up to a friend and she looked at me incredulously and said, "But I thought you were logical!" How does being logical be at odds with being spiritual...
Cantonese soup recipes, Chinese herbs, Asian soup tips and a bit of Traditional Chinese Medicine